Saturday, February 26, 2011

The latest.....

I've been quite bored.I've also been okay with it.I hate winter.It makes me want to stay in my pajamas and read.My weekends have been lazily spent at Josh's,cooking dinner,watching Fringe and other activities that are none of your business.It's been wonderful.I'm usually  miserable for the entire season but I've been seeing it as a nice break.See,I feel a busy season coming and I'm ready for it.So,I'm taking advantage of the time I have right now to do absolutely nothing.The witchcraft dvds should be released by the end of March.I'm not exactly sure how these will affect my life but I feel something good.I'm getting my website set up, came up with that.It works great for an umbrella website name.The fitness dvd is on hold indefinitely.I'm relieved because I went from working on the first 2 dvds to immediately working on the next one.Instead.I'm focusing on changing my training schedule so I don't have to wake up before 9.It's coming together nicely I'm happy to say.I suck at motivating myself to pick up clients but the second I do they fall in my lap.
The one thing I'm really excited about is that I'm drawing again.When I was in high school and F.I.T. I loved drawing.I even still have some of them.The other day I decided I needed a hobby.Working out has become work and I'm not completely ready to throw myself into the music thing again.Everything else I'm into costs too much at the moment(silks classes,krav maga,singing lessons etc)I forgot how relaxing it is to draw,especially when you're not trying to make a masterpiece.I don't know when I started doing this but somewhere along my creative life I started to get extremely impatient and didn't appreciate the journey anymore.Then,I became so obssessed with the outcome I had in mind,that I never really got anything going for too long before I decided it was taking too long.And although I'm already thinking of getting into painting eventually I'm not in a rush to get there.I went to the MET with Mimi today and really looked at everything for the first time in years.I don't think I've  been enjoying visual art because deep down I knew I had abandoned it without really trying.I'm aware that I expect perfection from myself(damn the Virgo personality!) but I'm not always so aware that it's utterly ridiculous to expect that of myself and I'll never enjoy being an artist if that's how I look at it.I plan on spending alot more time at museums this year and in the park drawing whatever catches my fancy.I feel the spring energy coming and I can't wait!

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