Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Fucking New Year!

  2010 was very difficult for me from the beginning.My roommate took his life and sent me into a very strange head space for quite some time.All of a sudden I found myself living alone for the first time,evaluating my life in a deeper way than I thought possible and trying to figure out if I was happy.Suicide really makes you wonder if you're really living.This loss brought me to profound decisions.I decided to do things I never thought I could do.I took a silks class even though I'm terrified of heights,and I LOVED IT!I also decided to start my own business,which I'm in the process of doing as we speak.I also demoted myself from a management position that was making me miserable beyond belief to go back to being a trainer.I can honestly say I wouldn't have done these things if this tragedy hadn't happened.It forced me to look at myself and not want to waste anymore precious time being afraid.I miss Casey dearly and I wish he hadn't decided to leave us.I hope he's happier wherever he may be.
    In the last couple of months,however,everything sped up to really great things.I filmed 2 magic how to videos to be released in March and plans to film a fitness video are in the works.My friend and client Meirav Devash wrote a story for Allure magazine on her incredible weight loss story and mentioned me as her trainer.I'm also starting a musical collaboration with a close friend and I'm very excited about getting started!Of course,the holidays came and everything came to a screeching halt.Went out to Jersey to see the family,had a super slow two weeks at work and came down with a wicked cold on new year's eve so I've been in the house with the cat the whole weekend.As stir crazy as I've been it's helped me get a perspective on the new year,figuring out what my next steps are and what I want to accomplish.This year is going to be the best in years,I can feel it in my bones.Happy New Year to all of you!I know we're all going to kick ass!!!!!